Read the below from one of the discord channel that I am in. And our mentor wrote the below which make so much senses. And I am thinking the below 4 simple rules is going to benefit everyone in this current world.
With Generative AI, deep fake videos showing celebrities and politicians promoting fake investment scams and “get rich” schemes will become more prevalent.
The technology is so powerful that soon you will not be able to tell the real person from a fake AI person
The only way to protect yourself from becoming a victim is to exercise common sense. Here are 4 simple rules to follow
1) Any guarantee of high returns is definitely a scam . There is no such thing as guaranteed high returns. To get high returns, it takes a high level of skill to manage risks. Even the best investors/traders/entrepreneurs go through losses at times.
2) If they ask you to transact in cryptocurrency, it’s 99% a scam
3) Any promises of “getting rich quick” is definitely a scam. There is no such thing as a way to get rich quickly. All businesses and investments take years to compound your wealth.
4) Any promise of helping you to manage money is definitely a scam. Legitimate money managers with regulatory licenses do not promote themselves this way to the public
Please say safe everyone and do not allow these scumbag scammers to steal your hard earned money. Only with the right financial education can you fully protect yourself.
Refer here for the post on a list of financial Consumer Alert List (FCA List) which is a guide to enhance the awareness on entities or schemes which may have been wrongly perceived or represented as being licensed or regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.